Monday, March 22, 2010

maple surple

Who doesn't love to get mail? Especially fun, bulky package mail.

Count me in. I love packages. And I got one the other day.

I was excited. But to say I was excited once I opened the package is an extreme understatement. More like giddy.

Giggling like a giddy school girl. A solitary giddy school girl.

Inside was this:
Fresh (as in less-than-two-weeks-old fresh) maple syrup from the great state of New Hampshire. From dear Cheryl.

In the move I had to leave behind a whole quart of this deliciousness. And it's super expensive out here. (What you can find here comes from Canada, not NH. My Gram says the Canadians water their syrup down. Now I don't know if that's true, but I do prefer the New Hampshire variety. It's thicker and more golden.) (No hard feelings Canada, you know I love you and look forward to retiring to the land of the maple leaf!)


So I made these.
Banana Maple Walnut muffins.

(Mr. Yin doesn't like most baked goods, but he likes muffins. Especially ones made with real maple syrup.)


Critter said...

If I come visit you will you share your muffins? Speaking of visiting, you should come watch me walk across the De Jong stage in my cap and gown!

Unknown said...


Why are you retiring to Canada?


Biz said...

Yeah, which part of Canada? Can we come visit?

Still waiting on that recipe.