Tuesday, January 3, 2012

twelfth mesaversary

He's come a long way, our Tiny Ted. Twelve full months of awesomeness.

When we were driving Edmundo home after he was born, the Bruno Mars song "Just the Way You Are" came on, and for the first time since he was born, I cried. I was sitting in the back seat with this tiny little bundle and the words were so true: because he was so amazing just the way he was. I didn't want him to change one bit. (Except for maybe losing the cord stump--they've always weirded me out--which he promptly did on his fifth day of life, which resulted in a frantic call to the doctor because they had told me it would be around for about 10-12 days.) But if I had known how awesome he would continue to be, and how he would add to it daily, I would have wanted him to hurry up and do all the amazing things he does now.

Like sitting on the floor and leaning back just enough to kick his feet up and down when he's happy. Or in the bathtub.

Or stuffing his favorite foods into his mouth with excited vigor.

Or crawling over to me and standing up!

Or sitting peacefully in his pile of books, going from one to the next, opening, kissing and tossing to the side.

Or blowing kisses. Or giving big open mouth kisses.

Or playing so happily in his crib with Giraffe and Froggy Friend after waking up that he doesn't even ask to be taken out when I come in.

Or mimicking my actions like using a napkin or spoon.

Or trying to put socks on his feet or hats on his head.

Or sleeping like a sweet angel.

Or playing patty cake with his feet, by himself.

Or cozying up to me when he's tired, even if just for a second.

I love this little guy to infinity and beyond. I can't wait to see what the next 12 months hold for him and us.

This post concludes our mesaversary series for the first year of Teddy's life. We may or may not continue. If we do, it most likely won't involve a white onesie. He's getting too big for the 18 month size and I haven't seen any bigger than 24 months. So. Yeah.

We'll come up with something.


Brittany said...

Happy Birthday Teddy! My how he's grown. We are so happy you guys are settled in and doing well. We love you!

Harriet Toothfighter said...

Oh, Tiny Ted! I just love that little boy!