Wednesday, February 16, 2011

2nd mesaversary

My little guy is no longer so little.

And he's now 2 months old.

The glory of the chub is not given full justice in these pictures. We had to go out and buy new white onesies for him since he outgrew all the others. The one in the photo is size 6 months so it's kind of big and makes him not look as chunky. Alas!

He clocked in at 12 lbs even and 23 3/4 inches for his two month check up. But that was six days before he was two months old. On the actual day, (we had the Breastfeeding Support Group that day) he was 12 lbs 10 oz. Um, yes. Gone are the days of weekly weigh-ins with the pediatrician. She was very pleased with his growth. And how strong he is. And how beautiful he is.

He wasn't very excited about the photo shoot. He was super chill, but not very smiley. I think he was wondering why I wasn't putting him down for his nap.

Ha! I crack myself up!


Erica said...

Um. Not to be pushy or anything. But where are those pictures? I need to see little E.

Unknown said...

I love the chub!!!