Thursday, December 8, 2011

Christmas help

Hello friends.

If you read this blog I assume we know each other and that we're friends since I'm not famous and don't do awesome giveaways. Since we're friends, I'd like to send you a Christmas card.

Can you help a sista out and send me your address (via email: canne [dot] yin [at] gmail [dot] com)? Unless you know for sure I already have it; meaning you've received something from me in the mail in the past year. Erica, you don't count. You must send your address. JS, as always you beat me to the punch, so you're golden.

Also, for the lad's birthday (next week!) we're expanding his board book library, and I'm looking for your favorite recommendations. His current favorites are

ABC--the board book version, not the one linked here

Suggestions? We have a list we're considering, but would love to hear what you have to say.

Happy Merry Joy!

Random fact: The woman who works in the office at our apartment complex is named Merry.


ellen said...

What about this one:

Chris said...

Ellen's recommendation looks a little low-brow for Teddy. He's really into sophisticated literature Ellen. Such as...

Dear Zoo!


Harriet Toothfighter said...

Clara's getting a sweet board book about a blue truck this year for Christmas. And by sweet, I don't mean endearing. I mean awesome.

Here's the link:

I love the Miss Spider books, but they might be too girly for your very manly little man. Sandra Boynton is always a must for me. (Your Personal Penguin is a 5 star recommendation from me.)

We still read Goodnight Moon every night to our girls. I also have Mike Mulligan in board book form. But you'd know that since I'm pretty sure you gave it to me. Emily gave Clara "On the Night You Were Born" and I really like that one too.

Or, the Very Hungry Caterpillar. Or Brown Bear Brown Bear What Do You See?

I think I could go on all night.

Christi said...

I'm with Harriet. Sandra Boynton is tha bomb. And where do you think I got her? From Biz. Our boys' favorite was The Going to Bed Book.

And when the moon is on the rise, they all go up to exercise.

Maybe Biz has introduced you to "I have a tiny reindeer. He says his name is Bob." Good books... Enjoy reading to your cute melting baby! :)

Heather said...

Doggies (Boynton)
Green Hat, Blue Hat (Boynton)
I Love Trains! (Philemon Sturges)
The Happy Man and His Dump Truck (Little Golden Book originally printed in 1950)
Big Red Barn (Margaret Wise Brown) - we had this one memorized for awhile as we read it sooo much!

cay said...

Christi you're someone who needs to send their address my way!!

cay said...

Great suggestions, friends!

Boynton is a staple here, but we don't have the whole collection, gotta work on that!