Thursday, February 23, 2012


One way I know Master Teddy either doesn't approve of the food placed in front of him or is done eating food he did approve of minutes before, is his takes it in his right hand, lifts his right leg, and places the food under his buns. And then he starts it over again.

I call his seat the Treasury. It always has a few treasures after meal times.

Sometimes I forget to wipe the seat down after a meal and the treasures wait for me to find them as we're getting ready for the next one.


Erica said...

We call that food storage...

Unknown said...

Oh, yummy!

becahdawn said...

Oh for crying out loud, he is so cute!!! At least he doesn't fling the food across the room. Liam is training to be a pitcher and apparently we don't have enough balls in our house, so he sacrifices half of each meal to his training.