Wednesday, December 28, 2011


Merry Christmas from the Davis family babies!

L-R: Clara, Ruth, Calvin, Liam, Teddy

Happy Birthday!

Tiny Master Yin celebrated his first birthday the week before Christmas.

He wasn't even kind of interested in the cake sitting on the floor next to him, but once he got a bite of it, he became very serious about shoveling in as much as possible as quickly as possible. And unlike dinner food, not one bite ended up tucked behind his leg on his seat.

The resulting sugar rush was hilarious to behold.

This little man has brought us so much joy. We fondly remember our days before he joined our family, but wouldn't trade him for the world.

Happy birthday my sweet boy!

Monday, December 12, 2011

no fun

My angel baby is sick.

The only nice thing about it is he curls up in my arms and falls asleep--he literally did it all day long.

Let's hope he's back to his happy, active and healthy self tomorrow.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Christmas help

Hello friends.

If you read this blog I assume we know each other and that we're friends since I'm not famous and don't do awesome giveaways. Since we're friends, I'd like to send you a Christmas card.

Can you help a sista out and send me your address (via email: canne [dot] yin [at] gmail [dot] com)? Unless you know for sure I already have it; meaning you've received something from me in the mail in the past year. Erica, you don't count. You must send your address. JS, as always you beat me to the punch, so you're golden.

Also, for the lad's birthday (next week!) we're expanding his board book library, and I'm looking for your favorite recommendations. His current favorites are

ABC--the board book version, not the one linked here

Suggestions? We have a list we're considering, but would love to hear what you have to say.

Happy Merry Joy!

Random fact: The woman who works in the office at our apartment complex is named Merry.

Monday, December 5, 2011


Everyone said it would happen, I just didn't think it would happen so fast.

It kind of breaks my heart a little.