Eleven months old. That means this is our last mesaversary post, because next month he'll be a whole year old! I can't believe he's been with us this long, but I also can't imagine him not being part of our little family.
This is the little bundle of joy who made me a mom; these past few months have been the most challenging and rewarding of my life. I've been brought to tears in heartache and frustration for this little guy, and my heart has soared higher with more joy than I've ever known possible, all because of him.
Oh but wait! This is about him, his eleven months of learning and growing!
His biggest development is the crawling. It might be the cutest crawl you've ever seen, it's slow and steady and very deliberate, often with his tongue sticking out. He's like the little ox cart that could. Sometimes when he's tired his body goes faster than his arms and he face plants. But mostly he's awesome at it. He's starting to pull up on things, mostly my legs. I'm so incredibly happy he waited until we were in our own apartment to become so mobile.
He does follow me around, but by the time he makes it to where I am, I'm usually headed back to where we started. And so he has to pivot and redirect. He never seems to tire of it! He's a very determined little guy.
This little mobile man is more than content to sit and play with his toys. I can't tell you how many times I'm washing dishes or cooking and he's playing around the corner, and it gets pretty quiet and I'm sure he's found something he shouldn't have, I go check on him and he's reading his books. Just sitting there on the floor, flipping the pages. It melts my heart every time.
So, yes, he loves books. All books. He loves, loves, loves to turn pages on books.
He's recently acquired some cars and trucks and trains and seems pretty enthralled by them. And he loves his books about things that go. He's very much a boy.
Our little man had some serious sleep regression after we moved upstairs thanks to Hurricane Irene, and so with moving to our new apartment, we all got to enjoy the glories of sleep training. It's been challenging, but we've seen some serious improvement. He's sleeping through the night again (hallelujah!) and sleeping at least one nap in his bed. He's never been a great napper, preferring snack-naps and Ergo rides as opposed to napping in bed. I do hope he'll always be able to nap in the Ergo because that allows for naps on the go. But we'll see!
Tiny Ted does "so big!" now, with his hands high over his head, and stands by himself for a few seconds. And claps for himself whenever he does something delightful. Which is a lot.
Raisins are probably his favorite food. He's been rocking a mostly fruit and veggie diet and he eats them with glee. Particularly squash and beans--perfect for Thanksgiving. He loves the freeze dried yogurt puffs, and doesn't much care for the other kind. He loves to drop his food on the floor and then stare at it down there.
He also loves to share. When he's done eating, he wants me to eat his food. I go along with it and let him feed me, he always gets a kick out of it, like I'm super talented to be able to eat out of his hand.
He loves to stuff things into his mouth like he's starving. It always cracks me up.