(This post is kind of dated. Last month we went to MA to see the family. And we just got back from the second trip there, so, yeah, dated. )
The trip was mostly dedicated to meeting family and a few friends. (And getting blessed at church, but that is a different post.)
Teddy Bear got to meet Gram. He was a huge fan. He loves to grab her face and giggle.
He met his Gong Gong Grandpa, and they were fast friends. They philosophized together.
The ride up was more like torture for him than anything else. I'm still convinced it was the worst day of his little life. It took him a few days to get over the trauma of it and for his voice to come back to normal. He would have been much happier if Mr. Yin had let him drive instead of be strapped into his seat.
The way back was much better. We learned some better distraction techniques (card board box! plastic water bottles!) and introduced the the hoodie I wear when I nurse him. Like Herman once said, it takes a small miracle to achieve this serenity. He always sleeps with his Pomp frowny face in the car.
He saw the ocean for the first time, but didn't stick his feet in this time around since we forgot the sun screen. Hence the blanket. We're awesome parents.
We saw Beth in Salem and she shared her little friend Julia's toys with Teddy. Julia has some pretty sweet toys.

He met Ruthie Pants, his little twin cousin. (They were due on the same day. Teddy came 9 days early, Ruthie took her time and came 9 days late.) She is a mover. She's mastered the army crawl and crawled right over to the Chub and gave him kisses. I mean she tried to bite his ear, (with her six teeth!). She was very interested in him. And he just sat there and took it like the little man he is.
These little babies are super wiggily and it was nearly impossible to get a good picture of the two of them.
So many people to meet! He met Jaime and Tirza for the first time. They were all friends. Good friends. And they got a little preview of what it will be like when Ruth puts on about 8 more pounds!
More meeting! Heath came to visit us the desert, but he had yet to meet the rest of the Coops. Her girls are very doting. They adore their little cousin Edmund. (And we got all blurry photos. Boo. Don't worry, we got great ones this last visit.)
And just for fun we brought his Bizzy sweater to show Gram her handiwork and share the adorability.
(I apologize for the lameness of this post. At least there are some cute photos!)