Thursday, May 19, 2011

FIfth Mesaversary

Tedimundo is five months old.

Five months old and 19 pounds and 5 ounces.

We're still kind of amazed at what a chunk he is. But we love, love, love his rolls of chub. It's all so kissable and adorable.

This past month has been an interesting one. As you all know, he got the chickenpox, which was sad and it took forever to lose all the scabs. He still has pink spots all over his smooth skin, but they seem to be fading. He met his California cousins and aunties and uncles. He met his Ye-Ye and Lai-Lai who came to visit from Taipei. He met Cheryl, and Jenny and Ben and little William--who is just four days older than he is. He went swimming for the first time, felt grass and trees for the first time and went on his first road trip (up to the Grand Canyon. More on that later?).

He's gotten much sturdier at sitting up. He can now do it without the help of his hands, and his side to side movement is decreasing every time he sits. Which is a lot now. He loves songs, especially if they have hand motions that you help him do. Oh how he loves his hands! And anyone else's hands he can get into his mouth. He's also found his toes and loves them almost as much as his hands. If we put him on his back, feet go up and his pudgy little hands grab the toes. He's successfully gotten the toes into his mouth a handful of times and I laugh so hard every time that he drops them and tries to figure out what I'm laughing about.

His little hands grab everything. Every. Thing. And of course everything goes right into his mouth. He gnaws away on his hands, or my hands, or dad's hands. And all of his cute toys. And his burp cloths. He loves chewing on his burp cloths. Maybe because they smell like sour milk?It's so cute how much more motor control he has, but how far he still has to go.

He's also started loving bath time, thanks to some changes we made. He'll splash and splash and even holds his head up to get his hair washed.

He is my pretty constant companion, almost permanently slung on my hip or in the Ergo. He graduated from the infant insert and still sleeps in it--thankfully! He sleeps incredibly well at night, and has even successfully fallen asleep in his crib on his own a handful of times. (After he's nursed far too long, and still wasn't asleep.)

After some tummy time set back, thanks to the chickenpox and a lot of visitors, he's spending a lot more time on his tummy. Or doing double tummy time on Dad's tummy. He still has no desire to roll over, he'd rather just hang out on his back with his feet in the air. He's just so sturdy on his back or tummy, why move?

But move he does. Constantly. His little feet are always kicking. And have been since his time in the womb. His arms are always happy flapping, trying to fly somewhere. As you can see from most of his pictures, there is always motion. Stationary motion.

And we love every little thing about this little wonder of a boy.

And as an added bonus, two days before his mesaversary, he distinctly said "mama". Not exactly to me or at me or in reference to anything but he got the two sounds out. Jenny can back me up on this one. It was sooo cute!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

fancy pants

When Snooze was here she made Teddy some fancy seersucker pants for Easter. And she turned one of his onsies into a vest with big buttons.

(Just watching her sew is amazing. She's sooo precise and attentive. I'm all willy-nilly, making things up when I sew. She follows patterns, measures and pins and redoes. I need a lesson.)

We called them Fancy Slants because everything Snooze makes should start with an "s".

Of couse he was the cutest little guy at church that day.

And then he came down with the chickenpox.

Sunday, May 8, 2011


A few weeks ago, my sisters and their families came out for a mini-family reunion. There were four of the seven Davis kids here so that made us a majority. We voted to keep the Snooze.

Hangin' by the pool. Tryin' to stay out of the sun. Lovin' Thunderbird.

It also meant Tedimundo got to meet five of his eight Davis cousins in one go.

First Herman and Chris and the boys showed up.

Our first attempt at a shot of all three babies, no one was really happy about it. And that is Meghan and Snooze holding Teddy and Calvin.

And a few hours later Bizzy and John and the kids and the Snooze showed up.

(It turns out I didn't take pictures at this meeting. Everyone else did and there were so many cameras going the kids must have felt famous. I'll send out a call to the sisters to send pictures that can fill these gaps!)


Our little apartment is just that: little, but we all visited and passed babies around and were our general loud selves. It got so hot we had to turn the air conditioner on. (That's a big deal! We've turned frugally minded since Mr. Yin, I mean Master Yin started school, and so turning on the air is momentous.)

All the Davis boy cousins. Fussing.

The next few days were spent driving back and forth between Glendale and Scottsdale to visit pool-side. (Or sit inside and nurse with Herman.) Tiny Ted does not love the car. He did protest too much. Luckily Snooze was staying with us and she was good company in the car while we tried everything to soothe the poor guy. Including stopping to take his sweaty, crying self out of the seat for some hugs. We realized on our last trip that maybe it was our talking that was bothering him, so we went silent. And he fell asleep. Turns out Davis girls are too much for my poor boy!

We tried for an impromtu photo shoot when all three boys were mostly happy. I think these are hilarious. Please note the straight legs of the twins and my boy all spread eagle.

Teddy and Calvin fighting for leg space. Liam is just happy with all the room in his borrowed size three diaper.

The photo shoot ended shortly after this when Teddy smacked little Calvin in the face with his excited flapping arms.

Cousins! Erin with Calvin, Sammy with Teddy, Meghan with Liam

But it was worth it. We got some good cousin time, and good sister time. And even worked our brains a bit doing the NYT crossword puzzles each day. And hotel pools are much fancier than our apartment pool!

Tiny Ted did go swimming for the first time. Let's just say he was neither enthusiastic nor upset about the whole ordeal. But now we have a whole package of swim diapers and a rash guard (size 12 months!) to keep the little one swimming all summer.

Confession: I've never cut Tiny Ted's nails. But Mr. Yin has cut them and Calvin's and Liam's!

(A note on pictures from these few days: I don't have very many. Bizzy and Herman both have fancy cameras and Bizzy's kids each have a camera, so pictures were constantly being taken. There are more, but I need the sisters to step it up and send some.)

Happy Mother's Day!

Hurray for moms lovin' on my boy!

PS Biz, I realized why I don't have a picture of you holding Teddy: I took all of those pictures with your camera, so you have them! Send them along and you can be included too!

Friday, May 6, 2011

from Mister to Master

It's official!

(As of last Friday, but we've been busy since then.)