Saturday, January 29, 2011

still cute

He's now a hefty 10 lbs 3 oz.

Chunking up nicely!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

and babies make four

Herman had her babies (yes, plural) on Saturday morning.

Calvin and William.

Amazingly she carried those two babies in her womb as long as I carried my one!

They're healthy and going home today.

All four new grandbabies have made their grand entrances.

Now the next feat will be getting them all together...

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Ruth Ramona

My sister-in-law (Jaime's wife, Tirza) and I were due on the same day.

My Edmund was born nine days early and her Ruth came nine days late to space the birthdays out.

Ruth's extra time in utero resulted in her weighing more than Edmund did the day she was born.

She's adorable and I can't wait until the cousins get to meet.

Hurray for Jaime, Tirza and Ruth!

(Do you see any similarities? We sure do.)

bath time

Yes, I get to hang out with him all day long.

Saturday, January 8, 2011


Our little guy is three weeks old.

And we're totally smitten.